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Showing posts with label CIRCULAR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CIRCULAR. Show all posts

Monday 24 August 2020

KTU Circular On Conducting Supplementary exams on Sept 2020 | All semester As Special chance

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University has decided to conduct the supplementary examinations of all semesters in the conventional offline format
Students having supplementary examinations are requested to prepare well and make use of this opportunity to clear their pending back papers by making use of this chance
Centre changes will be effected and students can write examination in centers of their choice close to their home
Examinations will be conducted as per the published schedule, following all safety protocols specified by regulatory agencies as part of Covid19.
Students who have any specific difficulty/reluctance in attending these supplementary examinations are free to avail the NEXT immediate chance
Requests for postponement of these supplementary examinations or change in the manner/mode of examinations WILL NOT be entertained by the University


Monday 3 August 2020

Evaluation of Cancelled Intermediate semester exams | Guidelines Published

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◼️Evaluation Applicable to Intermediate regular exams of B.Tech, M.Tech, MCA, MBA, M.Arch.M.Plan, B.Arch, B.Des & BHMCT programmes

◼️Marks for the intermediate semester will be calculated as below

Marks =percentage of [ CGPA (gpa of all previous semesters) ] + Normalised  internal marks + 5% moderation of total marks

CGPA To Percentage Calculation

Round off to nearest integer value

▫️ 2015 Scheme

      CGPA * 10 - 3.75

▫️ 2019 Scheme

   CGPA * 10 - 2.5

Normalization Of Internal Marks

▫️  2015 Scheme

Internal mark percentage shall not exceed 25% of the (CGPA to percentage) calculated value 

Eg: if (cgpa to percentage) value is 45 then maximum internal is (45+25) = 70 

more than 70 will be reduced to same

▫️ 2019 Scheme

Internal marks shall not exceed 30% of the (CGPA to Percentage) calculated value 

Eg: if (cgpa to percentage) value is 40 then maximum internal is (40+30) = 70 

more than 70 will be reduced to same


5% of the maximum marks will  be added to all subjects

Intial Mark calculation & Final Mark Calculation

▫️ Initial Mark Calculation

If students have supple then CGPA will be calculated by giving  P grade to the failed subjects.

▫️ Final Mark Calculation

When students  clear all the previous supple before the current intermediate semester, 

Final marks will be calculated with CGPA of the gained grades.

The final grade card generation date will be the date of passing in all previous semester subjects. 

Till students clears supplementary,  grade card based on the initial mark calculation will be used for all official purposes

◼️ Special improvement chance for 2019 scheme students

Students of 2019 Scheme can write improvement  exams of 2 passed subjects. 

◼️ Students not satisfied with marks

Students if not satisfied with present marks can cancel marks and write exams in the next available chance

2019 scheme students wont be able to cancel exams if applied for improvement exams

◼️ Project evaluation will be internal

◼️ If student fails to acquire minimum internal marks

faculty members are to give improvement chance by conducting exam of maximum 3 modules 

◼️ Supplementary examination will be conducted in offline mode when situation becomes favourable

◼️Exams registration fee if collected will be refunded

KTU college Transfer Date Extended | Circular Relesed

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Attention is invited to the circular cited, where in last date for uploading the details of students admitted by College Transfer was prescribed as 03.08.2020. Requests are being received from Principals explaining difficulty on account of colleges being situated in containment zones and inability to complete the procedure within the stipulated date, on account of this.

Considering the above colleges are permitted to relieve the student, to admit the transferred student, remit the fees and upload the details of transferred students till 10.08.2020. Considering the travel restrictions Principals are also permitted to accept the documents related to College transfer through the official email ID. In such cases original documents shall be collected and verified before 17.08.2020, without fail. 

Thursday 1 August 2019

CIRCULAR For Permitting the students to attend S5/S7 till the publication of revaluation results | Year out Students | Minimum Credits

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students who do not meet minimum credit requirements for promotion to S5 and S7 are granted permission to attend classes till the publication of revaluation results of S1/S2 and S1S4 respectively. Those who fail to attain minimum credits after revaluation will not be permitted to continue their studies in these semesters.The students and their parents are required to submit an undertaking to the Principal to avail this relaxation. Moreover, Colleges are directed not to collect fee from these students until the publication of revaluation results. The attendance of the students who attain minimum credits after revaluation shall be the actual number classes attended by them irrespective of the date of publication of the revaluation results.


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